Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Me in a mirror, half-hiding behind my camera, of course!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Drool

Meet Mr. Drool!
My friend's little guy turned 3 months old today, so we celebrated with a photo shoot! I love his drool bubble in the first one!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Session Albums

My new session albums are in! These are uniquely designed, custom photo cover, hinged page books. As for pricing, they start at $220 for an 8x8 or 8.5x11.

Back of book



Hinged pages lay flat!

Custom Photo cover


Friday, August 22, 2008

Holiday Mini Sessions are here!

Holiday Mini Sessions 2008

Total Cost: $100
Price includes: 20 minute session
5-10 online proofs
1 8x10
2 5x7's
25 Holiday Cards

*Package fee is due at the time of booking. Cash, check or paypal accepted.
*Online proof gallery will remain published for 10 days only. Please choose your images within this time.
*Additional prints and holiday cards may be purchased at the a la carte prices.

a la carte prices:
8 wallets- $10
4x6- $10
5x7- $15
8x10- $20
11x14- $45
16x24- $65
Set of 25 holiday cards: $40

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Senior Rep #1

Meet "C". We did his senior session last week and I thought I should update with a few quick shots for ya!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Too funny not to share.

I thought this was hilarious! I hope it works on here!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Little Man

Our little man is getting so big! Big boy haircut and all.
Happy 4th of July everyone!

BUT- those fireworks still scare him!

"uhh Daddy, this one better not be that loud!"

Nope! Just purty!

Jaden and his own "peek-up"

Thanks Grandma Shirley for the
awesome haircut!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Little Girl

My little girl is 4.5 months. I can't believe how fast the last 4+ months have flown by! Jaden is now over 2 years old, talking up a storm, got his first big boy haircut (those pics to come this weekend!), and Taylor is now squeeling as well as talking and giggling. Sometimes I just wish I could stop time for a little bit because the next thing I know, Taylor will be one and Jaden will be 3 years old. My little ones aren't going to be "little" for much longer it seems. Sooo here's my little girl- dimple and all!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My friends BRAND NEW little man!

So my best friend had her baby last week! Here are a few snaps I got before the clouds came out and it started storming! There was one teeny tiny window in her room and luckily it let off great light because I had left my speedlight at home on accident in the excitement! Enjoy little "H"!

His newborn session will be this Saturday so check back for more of this little cutiepie!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Little "G"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

Well, the first part of our Saturday was GREAT! We set up the water table that Grandma and Grandpa Brack got Jaden for his birthday. Well, I should say that I set it up before he woke up this morning. So we got up, put on his swim clothes and hat, and I had his breakfast and sippy cup already out on the deck. We barely came inside (except for the 45 minutes my daughter was cranky and didn't know what she wanted) for 4 hours. Both kids are worn out and napping... and so is my husband! So here I am, attempting to catch up on blogging, sharing photos, etc. Getting ready for round 2 after nap! I think we are going to set up the sprinkler "thingy" that Candace and Tony got for him, and grill some steaks. Should be a great Saturday! Summer is on it's way and I love it!

He decided he was pooped, so he'd crawl in Taylor's swing and chill for a bit. It was too funny!

Jaden Turned TWO!

My little man is 2 already!! I can't believe how quickly the last two years have gone. To celebrate, we had an Elmo party Friday night!